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Do IASTED Fake Conferences terminate in 2014? SCIRP and IEEE Conferences are absolutely fake, bogus and unethical. See why: http://www.jjj.de/fake-conf.html

Do IASTED Fake Conferences terminate in 2014?

IASTED has not announced new conferences in 2015
Did the entire scholars' outcry and our strong protests stop the bogus IASTED Activities? Maybe yes.
Other fake conferences are the conferences of ENGII or SCIRP www.engii.org
SCIRP and IEEE Conferences are absolutely fake, bogus and unethical. See why:

Fake conferences and junk journals, BEWARE!

Updates, 2013-November-24

The scam is still going on, a sample email sent to the nmbrthry mailing list:
From jj  Fri Nov 22 19:14:27 2013
Return-path: [nmbrthry mailing list]
Envelope-to: [my email address]
Delivery-date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 21:54:03 +0100
Received: from sitsiolistserv (sitsiolistserv.ad.ndus.edu [])
by po1.ndus.edu (Postfix) with ESMTP id DA9F2140178;
Wed, 20 Nov 2013 14:53:17 -0600 (CST)
Received: by LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU (LISTSERV-TCP/IP release 16.0) with spool id
1057339 for NMBRTHRY@LISTSERV.NODAK.EDU; Wed, 20 Nov 2013 14:53:17
Approved-By: [nmbrthry moderator email address]
Received: from JAVAEMAIL.home (ndusprdspam1 []) by
[nmbrthry mailing list] (SMTPL release 1.1c) (envelope-from
) for [nmbrthry mailing list] with TCP; Wed, 20
Nov 2013 03:45:16 -0500
Received: from JAVAEMAIL.home ([] helo=JAVAEMAIL.home) by
ASSP.nospam with SMTP (2.3.3); 20 Nov 2013 03:45:15 -0600
Received: from WIN-A9S0SUBJN6U ([]) by home with MailEnable
ESMTP; Wed, 20 Nov 2013 01:35:13 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----=_Part_15467798_885971973.1384940097615"
X-Assp-ID: ASSP.nospam m1-40716-09937
X-Assp-Session: 6B34E2D4 (mail 1)
X-Assp-Envelope-From: am@javaemail.org
X-Assp-Intended-For: [nmbrthry mailing list]
X-Assp-Version: 2.3.3(13187) on ASSP.nospam
X-Assp-Delay: delayed for 9m 56s; 20 Nov 2013 03:45:16 -0600
X-Assp-Message-Score: 10 (Message-ID not valid:
X-Assp-IP-Score: 10 (Message-ID not valid:
X-Assp-Received-SPF: none ip= mailfrom=am@javaemail.org
X-Original-Authentication-Results: ASSP.nospam; spf=none
X-Assp-Message-Score: 17 (DNSBL: neutral, listed in l2.apews.org)
X-Assp-IP-Score: 17 (DNSBL: neutral, listed in l2.apews.org)
X-Assp-DNSBL: neutral, listed in (l2.apews.org<-127 .0.0.2="" avamail.fjj="" message-id:="" x-assp-spam-level:="">
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 17:34:58 +0800
Reply-To: am@scirp.org
Sender: Number Theory List [nmbrthry mailing list]
From: Applied Mathematics

This message was sent to [nmbrthry mailing list]. Unsubscribe
If you cannot read it, please click here.

Special Issue on
"Continued Fraction and Geometric Function Theory"
Submission Deadline: January 22nd, 2014
Dear ,
Applied Mathematics (AM) is seeking papers for the upcoming special issue on "
Continued Fraction and Geometric Function Theory", scheduled for publication in
March 2014. We would like to invite contributors like you to submit papers that
may shed some light on this issue through our Paper Submission System.
About Our Journal
AM is an international, double-blind, peer-reviewed and open-access journal
with both print and online versions. For more information about the journal,
please visit: http://www.scirp.org/journal/am.
Other Special Issues in AM
• Probability and Its Applications
Aims & Scope (not limited to): (Submission Deadline: December 12th,
• Continued fraction 2013)
• Complete quotient • Random Walk
• Infinite product (Submission Deadline: January 8th, 2014
• Iterated binary operation )
• Geometric function theory • Time Series Analysis
• Analytic function (Submission Deadline: January 16th,

>> More

Prof. Chris Cannings (University of Sheffield, UK)
AM Editorial Office
E-mail: am@scirp.org
Place of Public Relation: Scientific Research Publishing Inc., P. O. BOX 54821,
Irvine CA 92619-4821, USA.
Place of Customer Service: Building 5, Headquarters Space of Optical Valley,
Tangxun Lake North Street 38#, East Lake High-Tech Development Zone, Wuhan
430223, Hubei Province, China.

The junk journal
Intelligent Control and Automation
is also spamvertized recently. Excerpts from an email:
Received: from charitylight.org (charitylight.org []) by [my UNi mailgate] with ESMTP for [me]; Mon, 14 Oct 2013 21:34:46 +0200
Received: (qmail 9916 invoked by uid 0); 14 Oct 2013 18:34:45 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO WIN-A9S0SUBJN6U) (emailservice@charitylight.org@ by charitylight.org with ESMTPA; 14 Oct 2013 18:34:44 -0000
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 2013 20:34:09 +0200
From: Intelligent Control and Automation
Reply-To: ica@scirp.org
To: [my email address]
Message-Id: <1674294266 .44913070.1381775649654.javamail.fjj="">
Subject: OA Journal "Intelligent Control and Automation" - High Visibility and Fast Publication

This message was sent to [my email address].
If you cannot read it, please click here . [note more tracking]

*Call for Papers*
Intelligent Control and Automation
ISSN: 2153-0661

*Dear J rg Arndt,*

*Intelligent Control and Automation *(*ICA*) is very interested in
your study. If you have unpublished papers in hand and have the idea
of making our journal a vehicle for your research interests, please
feel free to submit your manuscripts to this journal through our Paper
Submission System (see link on the right) or send them by email to us.
The Editorial Board of *ICA *consists of distinguished scientists from
around the world, and we select world-class experts to conduct the

*About Us*

Published by *Scientific Research Publishing *(*www.scirp.org* ),
*ICA* is an international, double-blind, peer-reviewed and open-access
journal with both print and online versions. For more information
about the journal, please visit: *http://www.scirp.org/journal/ica *.

*Submit a Paper*

*Latest Issue Online (click here
to find more)*

> _A Feedforward Controller to Regulate the Chemical Composition of
Molten Steel in a Continuous Casting Tundish_

Miguel A. Barron, Dulce Yolotzin, Isaias Hilerio

> _A Video Game Based on Elementary Differential Equations_

Marco Giacinti, Francesca Mariani, Maria Cristina Recchioni, Francesco

> _Constant Force Feedback Controller Design Using PID-Like Fuzzy
Technique for Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopes_

Yuan-Jay Wang

*Aims & Scope (more in our website)*
• Adaptive Controls
• Advanced Control Algorithms and Applications
• Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering
• Automation System
• Autonomous Systems
• Complex Systems and Intelligent Robots

*Editor in Chief*

*Prof. Theodore B. Trafalis*, University of Oklahoma, USA
ICA Editorial Office
E-mail: _*ica@scirp.org* _

Recently there is also a lot of spam advertizing the junk conference
BICOB-2014 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 6th Int'l Conf.
This conferences has no scientific merit and its only purpose is making money.
Here is a sample email:
From jj  Mon Nov 11 11:05:40 2013
Envelope-to: [my email address]
Delivery-date: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 08:36:52 +0100
Received: [my mail server]
Received: from mail-by2lp0240.outbound.protection.outlook.com ([] helo=na01-by2-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com)
by [my mail server] with esmtps (TLSv1:AES128-SHA:128)
(Exim 4.77)
(envelope-from )
id 1VegcT-0001c0-Hy
for [my email address]; Fri, 08 Nov 2013 08:36:52 +0100
Received: from BL2PRD0111HT001.prod.exchangelabs.com ( by
BY2PR01MB201.prod.exchangelabs.com ( with Microsoft SMTP Server
(TLS) id 15.0.815.6; Fri, 8 Nov 2013 04:02:36 +0000
Received: from bakbook.local ( by pod51000.outlook.com
( with Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) id 14.16.371.2; Fri, 8 Nov
2013 04:02:32 +0000
Message-ID: <527c6241 .8010103="" umb.edu="">
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2013 23:02:09 -0500
From: Nurit Haspel
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130801 Thunderbird/17.0.8
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Nurit Haspel
Subject: Deadline Extended to Nov. 30th 2013: BICOB-2014 Bioinformatics and
Computational Biology 6th Int'l Conf.: March-2014 - Las Vegas, USA
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-Originating-IP: []
X-Forefront-PRVS: 00246AB517
X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: [...snip...]
X-OriginatorOrg: umb.edu
Status: RO
Content-Length: 19988
Lines: 373

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

*6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology Computational Biology - BICoB-2014*

March 24-26, 2014 - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Conf website: http://www.cs.umb.edu/bicob/

Paper Submission Deadline: November 30, 2013 ***EXTENDED***

Notification of Acceptance: December 30, 2013

Paper submission

/BICOB2014/: In recent years, computational biology and medical
informatics have seen significant advances driven by computational
techniques in bioinformatics making bioinformatics and computational
biology among the most vibrant research areas. The 6th international
conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICoB-2014)
provides an excellent venue for researchers and practitioners in the
fields of bioinformatics and computational biology to present and
publish their research results and techniques. The BICoB conference
seeks original and high quality papers in the fields of
bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology, medical
informatics and the related disciplines. The conference also includes
a *Best Paper Award*given during the conference banquet. We also
encourage work in progress and research results in the emerging and
evolutionary computational areas. Computational techniques have
already enabled unprecedented advances in modern biology and medicine.
Work in the computational methods related to, or with application in,
bioinformatics is also encouraged including: data mining, text mining,
machine learning, modeling and simulation, pattern recognition, data
visualization, biostatistics, .etc. The topics of interest include
(and are not limited to): *Genome analysis:*Genome assembly, genome
annotation, gene finding, alternative splicing, EST analysis and
comparative genomics.
*Sequence analysis:* Multiple sequence alignment, sequence search and
clustering, function
prediction, motif discovery, functional site recognition in
protein, RNA and DNA sequences.
*Phylogenetics:* Phylogeny estimation, models of evolution,
comparative biological methods,
population genetics.
*Structural Bioinformatics:* Structure matching, prediction, analysis
and comparison; methods
and tools for docking; protein design
*Analysis of high-throughput biological data:* Microarrays (nucleic
acid, protein, array CGH,
genome tiling, and other arrays), EST, SAGE, MPSS, proteomics,
mass spectrometry.
*Genetics and population analysis:* Linkage analysis, association
analysis, population simulation,
haplotyping, marker discovery, genotype calling.
*Systems biology:* Systems approaches to molecular biology, multiscale
modeling, pathways,
gene networks.
*Computational Proteomics: *Filtering and indexing sequence databases,
Peptide quantification
and identification, Genome annotations via mass spectrometry,
Identification of post-translational
modifications, Structural genomics via mass spectrometry,
Protein-protein interactions,
Computational approaches to analysis of large scale Mass
spectrometry data, Exploration and

visualization of proteomic data, Data models and integration for
proteomics and genomics,
Querying and retrieval of proteomics and genomics data etc.


*_Journal Publication_*: Authors of selected papers in BICoB-2014 will
be invited to submit extended version of their papers for possible
publication in the Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
(JBCB) or International Journal for Computers and Applications IJCA.
(Special issue for BICOB-2014).


*_Important Dates:
_* Full paper Submission
............................................................ November
30, 2013
Notification of Acceptance
.................................................... December 30, 2013
Pre-registration and Camera-ready paper
................................. January 20, 2014

*Paper submission

If you encounter any difficulties during submission or if you
require further information, please contact:

hisham@uhcl.edu ; fahad.saeed@nih.gov
; _nurit.haspel@umb.edu

*_Conference Organizing Committee:_*

George Karypis

University of Minnesota, USA

+1 (612) 626-7524 +1


Hisham Al-Mubaid

University of Houston, Clear Lake, USA

+1 (281) 283-3802


Fahad Saeed

NHLBI, National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA

+1 (301) 402-4720


Bhaskar DasGupta

University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

+1 (312) 355-1319


Nurit Haspel

UMass -Boston, USA

+1 (617) 287-6414


/*** We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP ***
I most certainly received multiple copies of that one.

News as of 2012-May-01

From the excellent blog "Copy, Shake, and Paste" by Debora Weber-Wulff: IEEE removes conference proceedings from archives [link broken].

Copies of the spam

Copies of spam emails that advertise fake conferences. These conferences have no scientific merit and their only purpose is making money. Check http://diehimmelistschoen.blogspot.com/ for the quality of the proceedings of a typical spamvertized conference. I will add more spam as arriving. (Update 2012-May-01: I do not seem to receive these messages any more)

    Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 00:18:43 +0800
From: "itap2010@gmail.com"
To: [my-adr]
Subject: Ei and ISTP indexed iTAP(Internet Tech.& Appl.)2010 CFP

The International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications (iTAP2010)
[some garbage characters]
August 20~22, 2010, Wuhan, China
The International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications (iTAP
2010) will be held from August 20-22, 2010 in Wuhan, China. This conference is
co-sponsored by Wuhan University of Technology and IEEE. The conference
proceedings will be published by IEEE. All papers accepted will be indexed by
Ei and ISTP.

[two lines of mostly garbage characters]

For more information about this conference,
please visit contact: http://www.itapconf.org/2010
or contact:itap@scirp.org

This message was sent to [my-adr].
Unsubscribe at any time by clicking here .
You can edit your personal information by clicking here.
Note it appears that the IEEE is indeed involved in this one. The From: line is forged, the mail was sent from the domain gremail.org (mail.gremail.org []). The whois information of both itapconf.org and gremail.org mostly coincide (only itapconf.org shown here):
% whois itapconf.org
Sponsoring Registrar:Hichina Zhicheng Technology Limited (R1373-LROR)
Registrant ID:hc730536426-cn
Registrant Name:wuhandaxuegaokejiyanjiuyufazhanzhongxin wuhandaxuegaokejiyanjiuyufazhanzhongxin
Registrant Organization:wuhandaxuegaokejiyanjiuyufazhanzhongxin
Registrant Street1:wuhanshiwuchangquluyinghuadaxia1102shi
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:hubei
Registrant State/Province:Hubei
Registrant Postal Code:430000
Registrant Country:CN
Registrant Phone:+86.2787870535
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:+86.2787870535
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant Email:tlnoriko@163.com
The website given in the mail is hosted on
% host www.itapconf.org
www.itapconf.org has address
Received identical spam again at 2009-September-18.

    Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2009 01:22:43 +0800
From: "ebm2010@21cn.com"
To: [my-adr]
Subject: ISTP [Chinese characters]

International Conference on Engineering and Business Management (EBM 2010)
(ISTP indexed)
March 24~26, 2010, Chengdu, China
This conference is co-sponsored by Sichuan University, James Madison University
and Scientific Research Publishing. The conference proceedings will be
published by Scientific Research Publishing, and all papers accepted will be
indexed by ISTP.

The submitted papers can be written in Chinese or English, but the title,
abstract and references should be in English. For more information about this
conference, please visit: http://www.scirp.org/conf/ebm or contact:

This message was sent to [my-adr].
Unsubscribe at any time by clicking here .
You can edit your personal information by clicking here.
The From: line is forged. Spam sent from the same host as first sample (mail.gremail.org []).
% whois scirp.org
Sponsoring Registrar:Beijing Innovative Linkage Technology Ltd. (R1292-LROR)
Registrant Name:Wang hui
Registrant Organization:Wuhan da xue gao ke ji yan jiu yu fa zhan
Registrant Street1:wuhan
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:Wuhan
Registrant State/Province:HB
Registrant Postal Code:430074
Registrant Country:CN
Registrant Phone:+86.2787498031
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:+86.2787801099
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant Email:ywtj2008@jetsum.net
The website given in the mail is hosted on the very same IP as www.itapconf.org (what a coincidence!):
% host www.scirp.org
www.scirp.org has address

    Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2009 21:35:06 +0800
From: "appeec@gmail.com"
To: [my-adr]
Subject: Power and Energy Engineering Conf. CFP (Ei & ISTP Indexed)

Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conf. (APPEEC 2010) EI & ISTP
Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2010)
Submission Deadline: Sept. 30, 2009
Chengdu, China March 28-31, 2010

This conference is sponsored by IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), Sichuan
University, Chongqing University, State Grid of China and Wuhan University. The
proceedings will be published by IEEE, all papers accepted will be indexed by
EI and ISTP. The technical areas to be covered:

o Power Generation - Conventional and Renewable
o Power Transmission and Distribution
o Power System Management
o Smart Grid

For more information about this conference, please contact: appeec@scirp.org
Journal Highlights
Energy and Power Engineering(EPE)
ISSN: 1949-243X (Print) 1949-3818 (Online)
EPE free online access: http://www.scirp.org/journal/epe
Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications (JEMAA)
ISSN: 1942-0730 (Print) 1942-0749 (Online)
JEMAA free online access: http://www.scirp.org/journal/jemaa

This message was sent to [my-adr].
Unsubscribe at any time by clicking here .
You can edit your personal information by clicking here.
The From: line is forged. Spam sent from the same host as first sample (mail.gremail.org []). The spamvertized website (same domain as last entry) shows the IEEE and the IEEE PES (Power & Energy Society) logos.

Note: the site http://www.scirp.org/conference/ (not linked) conveniently lists all fake conferences above.

New spam for APPECC:
    Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 12:54:59 +0800
From: "appeec@tom.com"
To: [my-adr]
Subject: APPEEC Submission Deadline Extended to Nov. 8, 2009

The submission deadline for the 2nd APPEEC (Asia-Pacific Power and Energy
Conference) has been extended to Nov. 8, 2009.
Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2010)
Chengdu, China March 28-31, 2010
This conference is sponsored by IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), State Grid
of China, Sichuan University, Chongqing University and Wuhan University.
All papers accepted will be indexed by Ei Compendex and ISTP.
This conference will be held in Chengdu where "The Land of Abundance" is
The technical areas to be covered in this conference include:

o Power Generation - Conventional and Renewable
o Power Transmission and Distribution
o Power System Management
o Smart Grid

Full papers will be due by Nov. 8, 2009.
For more information, please contact: appeec@scirp.org.
APPEEC 2010 Organizing Committee

This message was sent to [my-adr].
Unsubscribe at any time by clicking here .
You can edit your personal information by clicking here.
The From: line is forged. Spam sent from the same host as first sample (mail.gremail.org []).

Spam for WiCOM 2010:
    Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 19:09:30 +0800
From: "wicom2010@sohu.com"
To: [my-adr]
Subject: WiCOM2010 CFP (Ei & ISTP Indexed)

Conference Highlights
The 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and
Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2010) Ei & ISTP Indexed
9/23~25,2010 Chengdu China Submission Deadline : Feb.28, 2010
The 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications,
Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2010)
Chengdu, China September 23-25, 2010
The 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and
Mobile Computing (WiCOM 2010) will be held from Sept. 23 to 25, 2010 in
Chengdu, China. All accepted papers in WiCOM 2010 will be indexed by Ei
Compendex and ISTP.
The technical areas to be covered in this conference include:

o Wireless Communications
o Network Technologies
o Services and Application

The deadline of full paper submission is Feb. 28, 2010.
For more information about this conference, please contact: wicom@scirp.org
Journal Highlights
Journal of Geographic Information System (JGIS)
ISSN: 2151-1950 (Print) 2151-1969 (Online)
JGIS free online access: http://www.scirp.org/journal/jgis
Positioning (POS)
ISSN: 2150-850X (Print) 2150-8526 (Online)
POS free online access: http://www.scirp.org/journal/Positioning
Journal of Intelligent Learning Systems and Applications (JILSA)
ISSN: 2150-8402 (Print) 2150-8410 (Online)
JILSA free online access: http://www.scirp.org/journal/jilsa

This message was sent to [my-adr].
Unsubscribe at any time by clicking here .
You can edit your personal information by clicking here.
The From: line is forged. Spam sent from the same host as first sample (mail.gremail.org []).
Take a look at the junk journals advertized, lovely! The full list of their "journals" appears at http://www.scirp.org/journal/ (not linked).

    Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 22:32:11 +0800
From: "itap2010@163.com"
To: [my-adr]
Subject: Ei and ISTP Indexed iTAP(Internet Tech.&APPL.)2010 CFP

The International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications (iTAP2010)
August 20~22, 2010, Wuhan, China
The International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications (iTAP
2010) will be held from August 20-22, 2010 in Wuhan, China. This conference is
co-sponsored by Wuhan University of Technology and IEEE. The conference
proceedings will be published by IEEE. All papers accepted will be indexed by
Ei and ISTP.
For more information about this conference,
please visit contact: http://www.itapconf.org/2010
or contact:itap@scirp.org

This message was sent to [my-adr].
Unsubscribe at any time by clicking here .
You can edit your personal information by clicking here.
The From: line is forged. Spam sent from the same host as first sample (mail.gremail.org []).

Your feedback is appreciated.
jj (Jörg Arndt)

Last modified 2013-November-24 (17:31)

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