If anyone ever gets contacted by David Publishing Company or one of their many "journals", please be aware that this is a scam. They charge $500 for "publication" (We could find none of their journals using reputable scholarly journal database searches) and most of the content on their website is filler text or null values. Thanks to the author of the below post for providing valuable information on this scam. They also scan data bases of other online journals and conferences (like Springer Verlag and Elsevier) and they send SCAM invitations to innocent scholars. Fakeconferences.blogspot.com has just added the David Publishing Company in our Black List. Our Black List is the only genuine, original and fair Black List of Excessively Predatory and Brigandish publishers. We reveal every Publisher small or BIG. For example, we believe that Springer, IEEE, SIAM, Elsevier are Excessively Predatory and Brigandish publishers and we explain the reasons in other posts of our blog which is the first in Google Search: "Fake Conferences" with more than 2000 hits per day